Communicating with Purpose


BDCG was created to provide world-class integrated communications and marketing campaigns that stand out, are creative, demonstrate flexibility...and achieve client objectives! Our work is directed at savvy audiences who move the needle in a positive direction for our clients. Our campaigns help shape opinion, drive inquiries and interest and often can be seen as impacting bottom lines with a solid connection between our work and results.
Our team is constructed to meet your exact needs. We do not put you in a position of having to support staff and campaigns that have nothing to do with your business allowing us to be more than competitive. Working with the BDCG team brings you affordable senior level attention and communications experience you simply won't find elsewhere.
The Black Dog Mission
Being heard, standing out, achieving the right recognition and protecting reputations is challenging and that's exactly what we do for clients. Black Dog Communications Group prides itself on being creative for its clients and developing stories and points of interest that attract the attention of the media, influencers and audiences that produce results for clients. We also understand the importance of such matters as "Thought Leadership" for senior management and brands and how such leadership builds trust among the very audiences that can impact your bottom line and the reputations of individuals and companies.